
Worship at St. Everilda's

St. Everilda is Everingham's Anglican (Church of England) church, with weekly services and a friendly congregation. We're part of the Holme and Seaton Ross Group of Parishes, with Revd. Canon Stephen Cope as our vicar. You can contact Stephen on 01430 626728 or

Everingham also has another notable church building... The previously Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Mary & St. Everilda on the Everingham Park estate ( Worship is no longer practiced there, but its charitble trust opens it for events and tours throughout the year. You can find out about its history on our website here.

Regular Services

On most Fridays, Morining Prayer takes place at 09.00, followed by Holy Communion at 09.30. 

Holy Communion also takes place at 09.15 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Please check the latest Weekly Sheet below, as these times occassionally change.

Life Events

The church plays host to the village's weddings, baptisms, and funerals throughout the year. 

Please get in touch with Stephen if you'd like to discuss having any of these at St. Everilda's.

New to Faith?

It can sometimes be quite daunting to figure out where to start, if you're new to faith and curious about Christianity

Everyone's different, so there's no one/best way to explore. Come along to one of our services, or get in touch with Stephen and we promise a welcoming 'no-pressure' discussion.

History of St. Everilda's

St Everilda's church consists of a medieval stone tower and a brick Nave and Apse of the 18th Century. 

Click here to read more on its history, and that of its sister church St. Peter's in Harswell.

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